Wednesday, 17 February 2010


Designers have come up with the very latest car radio.

You actually ask the radio what you want it to play. I went to test out this new technology.

The salesman explained that the radio was voice activated.

'Micheal' the salesman said to the radio.

The radio replied, 'Jackson or Ball?'

'Jackson!' he continued, followed by the word 'Thriller' and Micheal Jacksons Thriller came from the radio speakers.

Then he said, 'John Denver - Grandma!', and in an instant
'Grandma's Feather Bed' replaced Micheal Jackson..

The test drive continued with me feeling very impressed with the new technology.

Then suddenly a man swung out of a side road (yes a man...No not a woman)and nearly hit the side of the car I was driving. I yelled out 'Ass Hole' and the radio responded instantly with:

"Ladies and gentlemen, the Prime Minister of Great Britain,
Mr. Gordon Brown......."

How cool is technology!

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